When it came to building Boulder before the turn of the century, it took a carpenter.
Andrew J. Macky was born on Nov. 1, 1834 in Herkimer County, N.Y. He was a carpenter by trade and from 1857-‘58 he was engaged in the lumbering business in Wisconsin.
Upon hearing of the Pikes Peak gold rush, Macky sold his lumber contracts and headed west to Colorado. After finding very little gold, Macky sold his interest in a placer claim for a mule and returned to Boulder, where he was a butcher, along with doing some carpentry.
He built the town’s first frame house, its first brick business building, and its first brick home.
In August 1861, Macky was appointed postmaster of Boulder, a position he held until 1869. At various times, he also served as county treasurer, justice of the peace and treasurer of the town of Boulder.
In 1877, along with Lewis Cheney, Macky organized the First National Bank of Boulder. He was director of the institution until his death, 30 years later.
Upon his death in 1907, Macky willed $300,000 to the University of Colorado to build an auditorium. The cornerstone for Macky Auditorium was laid on Oct. 8, 1910, and was completed in 1922.