Lucinda “Lucy” Sanders is a distinguished technologist. She is a driving force behind the effort to increase the number of women in technology fields, open up STEM to everyone, and improve business practices around diversity and inclusion. Lucy has an extensive industry background, having worked in R&D and executive positions at AT&T Bell Labs, Lucent Bell Labs, and Avaya Labs for over 20 years, where she specialized in systems-level software and solutions. Lucy won the Bell Labs Fellow award in 1996, and the Silicon Valley Tribute to Women in Industry Award for business excellence and community outreach in 2000.
In 2004, Lucy co-founded the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). She continues to lead NCWIT as the CEO, and the organization has done incredible work advancing under-represented people in technology engaging K-12 communities, colleges and corporations nationwide. This work includes education around the concept of implicit bias and the importance of DEI training for engineering managers, working to develop internal culture in technology organizations.
Her achievements have been honored by many organizations, including the Women in Technology Hall of Fame, the University of Colorado, the Girl Scouts, and the Colorado Technology Association. Lucy currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Colorado School of Mines.